Enabling GEOINT accuracy through geodetic, geophysical and photogrammetric sciences and content.
For quick access to data, apps and services, please select from the tabbed menu below. For more detailed information about each product, please choose from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
The following links contain documentation, source code, data, and supporting inputs and tools for EGM2008.
The following links contain documentation, source code, data, and supporting inputs and tools for EGM96.
360 Spherical Harmonics
Zip archive containing all EGM96 360 Spherical Harmonics code and documentation. |
15 Minute Interpolation Grid
Zip archive containing all EGM96 15 Minute Interpolation Grid code and documentation. |
EGM96 and EGM08 Geoid Calculator
Online calculator to determine EGM96 and EGM08 geoid height based on latitude and longitude inputs. |
The following links contain documentation, source code, data, and supporting inputs and tools for EGM84.
180 Spherical Harmonics
Zip archive containing all EGM84 Spherical Harmonics code and documentation. |
30 Minute Interpolation Grid
Zip archive containing all EGM84 30 Minute Interpolation Grid code and documentation. |
The World Magnetic Model (WMM) is a joint product of the United States' National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the United Kingdom's Defence Geographic Centre (DGC). The WMM was developed jointly by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI, Boulder CO, USA) (formerly National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)) and the British Geological Survey (BGS, Edinburgh, Scotland). Check the NOAA website on the open internet for the most recent annual report of the status of the WMM (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/world-magnetic-model).
For more information on the WMM and how to implement the coefficients, please read the WMM 2020 Technical Report.
The NOAA/BGS calculators can be found on the open internet (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/world-magnetic-model).
Relationship to International Terrestrial Reference Frame: The realization of a system into a frame is accomplished through the establishment of physical reference markers whose coordinates are consistent with its definition. Following this model, the WGS 84 Reference Frame (WGS 84 RF) is made real through the Cartesian coordinates of the Antenna Reference Points at the NGA/USSF GPS Monitor Stations. WGS 84 RF is aligned to ITRF to within one centimeter in each 3D component. At this level, NGA states the two frames are coincident for positioning, navigation, and targeting.
The 7-parameter transformation from WGS 84-to-ITRF is zero in all components by design. To support this claim two sets of metrics are provided:
MSP GEOTRANS is the NGA and DOD approved coordinate converter and
datum translator. The user-friendly GUI has features including batch
conversion capability, a choice of precision levels, and the capability
to add your own datum. MSP GEOTRANS can be downloaded to run as a
stand-alone application. Available downloads are listed (below).
NOTE: Since version 3.8, GeoTrans retired support for all Windows versions using the Visual Studio 2010, 2012, and 2013 compilers, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
New Enhancements:GeoTrans 3.9 requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8 or later to execute (JRE or later is recommended). Refer to the MSP GeoTrans 3.9 Release Notes for information on how to check your Java version and download JRE
There are four versions of GeoTrans available for download, one intended for end users and three for software developers. After downloading the appropriate version please refer to the MSP GeoTrans 3.9 Release Notes for proper installation instructions and for detailed descriptions of the changes included in this release. To verify download integrity, please get the checksums here.
End User Version:The End User version is recommended for the majority of the GeoTrans users and contains everything necessary to run GeoTrans, to include the GeoTrans on-line help. Windows users should determine whether the 32- or 64-bit version is appropriate for their installation based on whether they have a 32- or 64-bit version of Java installed.
The Developer version is for software developers and contains the GeoTrans executable software plus the GeoTrans source code, documentation and a programmer's guide.
MGRS Version:The MGRS version is for software developers who only need the MGRS, UTM, UPS, Transverse Mercator and Polar Stereographic modules, source code and documentation. It does not include any GeoTrans executable software.
Master Version:The Master version is for software developers and includes all of the GeoTrans executables for all platforms, all source code and all documentation. The only difference between the Windows and Linux version is the method used to zip the files.
Having trouble starting GEOTRANS? Here
are some suggestions
If you have installed GEOTRANS and are
unable to get it to start (no message given) you may need to download
the MS Visual C++ Redistributable Package. This software is normally
included on a computer, but system configurations do vary. Please
read the instructions for installing GEOTRANS on a
Network Drive.
MS Visual C++ Redistributable Package for 32-bit user download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5582
MS Visual C++ Redistributable Package for 64-bit user download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632
NOTE: Java 32-bit and 64-bit may be required to run MSP GEOTRANS. GEOTRANS 3.9 was built using Java JDK 1.8 update 256. The latest releases of Java can be found at Oracle.com. Should you encounter a Windows Error 2 condition during MSP GEOTRANS install, this error usually occurs because the wrong bit-level for Java was selected. Especially with Java 1.8, the Windows environment variable for PATH is often not set correctly. You may try the following procedure to correct the condition:
Contact the MSP/GEOTRANS Help Desk
For assistance with MSP GEOTRANS software, including questions about
source code, please email MSP_Help@nga.mil
(Unclassified content only).
Allows visualization via the IC Portal or ArcGIS desktop (download). After selecting the link below, additional viewing options may be available by following the link under the "Map Contents" heading.
Earth Gravity Model 2008 (EGM08) |
REST Endpoint
EGM08 is an interpreted grid of the spherical harmonics model of the earth's gravitational potential. The grid was formed by merging terrestrial, alimetry-derived and airborne gravity data. EGM08 is complete to degree and order 2159, and contains additional coefficients up to degree 2190 and order 2159. |
World Magnetic Model 2015 (WMM) |
REST Endpoint
The World Magnetic Model (WMM) is a set of data, software and charts used to characterize, depict, and predict various properties of the earth's magnetic field. Primarily used for portraying declination data (magnetic north) on maps and charts. The model is produced at 5-year intervals, with the current model expiring 31 Dec 2019. |
NGA products can be downloaded using the Map of the World (MoW) "Download NGA Products" plugin.
Allows visualization via the IC Portal or ArcGIS desktop (download). After selecting the link below, additional viewing options may be available by following the link under the "Map Contents" heading.
CIB Overviews Frames |
IC Portal
REST Endpoint
CD, Overview, and Frame outlines for CIB01, CIB05, and CIB10. Imagery dates are included in attribution. After opening the map, select the "(MoW) CIB Overviews Frames" link and then check the box next to the desired product. |
CIB Products |
IC Portal
REST Endpoint
CD, Cell, and Frame outlines for CIB01, CIB05, and CIB10. Imagery dates are included in attribution. After opening the map, select the "(MoW) CIB Products" link and then check the box next to the desired product. |
UTM | UTM Zones |
UTM Zone 1-60, hemispheres north and south polygon shapefiles |
UTM | UTM 10km Polylines |
UTM lines at 10km spacing in continent-size shapefiles |
UTM | UTM 1km Polylines |
UTM lines at 1km spacing in 6°x8° shapefiles |
GARS | GARS Polygons |
GARS polygons at 30', 15' & 5' granularity in 20°x20° areas as shapefiles & drawing files |
MGRS 1km Polygons
PKI certs required
MGRS polygons at 1km spacing in 6°x8° shapefiles |
MGRS | MGRS 100km Polygons |
MGRS 100km Square Identifier polygons in 6°x8° shapefiles |
MGRS | MGRS 100km Polygons - Worldwide |
MGRS 100km Square Identifier polygons - worldwide shapefile |
MGRS | MGRS Grid Zone Designator Polygons |
MGRS Grid Zone Designator (6°x8°) polygons |
MGRS | MGRS 100km Square Identifier Polygons UPS North |
MGRS 100km Square Identifier polygons UPS north |
MGRS | MGRS 100km Square Identifier Polygons UPS South |
MGRS 100km Square Identifier polygons UPS south |
While GEOTRANS is the NGA recommended and supported software package for Datum Transformations and Coordinate Conversions, there are occasions when something else is requested or proposed, and needs to be tested. For such occasions, software developers are invited to download the following ZIP collection of test files. These are files created by NGA geodesists working independently of GEOTRANS. The files are simulated data (not measurements) and provide a higher accuracy standard for software performance than does GEOTRANS as of 3/25/2009 for the algorithms treated. Also, in some cases, they allow input values that GEOTRANS does not. Therefore, if developers have not carefully defined the domain of valid inputs and implemented the corresponding input checking, these tests are likely to reveal the lack thereof. The files "Instructions.doc" and "Release_Notes.doc", found in the ZIP, contain further information. This is an ongoing project, and more tests will be added in later releases. Comments are welcome at the e-mail address below.
A geodetic package is a collection of geodetic metadata used for grid, graticule and magnetic verification for all NGA standard map products. The software to create a geodetic package is GEOPAK and is available at the NGA GEOINT APP Store.
The Tiled Image Converter is a GUI based program built by the Naval Research Laboratory that is capable of converting entire pyramids of raster tiles away from the input map projections into one of the output map projections. The input map projections are web Mercator (also known as EPSG::3857), WGS 84 Plate Carree (also known as EPSG::4326), and Mercator. The output map projections are Mercator and Plate Carree. The software is available at the NGA GEOINT APP Store.
Allows visualization via the IC Portal or ArcGIS desktop (download). After selecting the link below, additional viewing options may be available by following the link under the "Map Contents" heading.
Air Target Chart (ATC) |
Air Target Chart (ATC) is a subdivision of the World Aeronautical Chart (WAC). There are 25 ATC per WAC. ATC is visible at scale of 1:9,000,000 and larger |
Global Area Reference System (GARS) |
GARS is the standardized battlespace area reference system across DoD which will impact the entire spectrum of battlespace deconfliction. |
Latitude/Longitude Graticule |
Latitude/Longitude is a geographic coordinate measurement used in mapping, charting, and geodesy to reference positions on the Earth. |
Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) |
MGRS is an alpha-numeric system for expressing UTM/UPS. A single alpha-numeric value references a position that is unique for the entire earth. |
Rapid Worldwide Area Collection (RWAC) |
Rapid Worldwide Area Collection (RWAC) is a ten digit identifier that uniquely identifies a four-corner geographic coordinate box configured either as a 3x3nm or 9x9nm box. RWAC is visible at scale of 1:1,000,000 and larger |
World Aeronautical Chart (WAC) |
World Aeronautical Chart (WAC) is a chart system overlaying the Earth's surface bounded by pairs of parallels at 4 degree increments and meridians at integral degree boundaries chosen to give approximately 360 nautical mile regions. |
World Target Mosaic (WTM) |
World Target Mosaic (WTM), also referred to as World Aeronatical Chart (WAC) Target Mosiac, is a subdivision of the Air Target Chart (ATC) and is the basic collection unit for the Broad Area Search (BAS) imagery. There are 16 WTM per ATC. WTM is visible at scale of 1:2,000,000 and larger |
NGA products can be downloaded using the Geospatial Repository and Management (GRiD) System and the Map of the World (MoW) "Download NGA Products" plugin.
Allows visualization via the IC Portal or ArcGIS desktop (download). After selecting the link below, additional viewing options may be available by following the link under the "Map Contents" heading.
DBED0 Map Service |
DBED0 is a global uniform matrix of digital bathymetry and elevation information that seamlessly represents the positive and negative heights of the Earth's physical surface above and below the oceans. |
DBED0 Image Service |
DTED Level 0 |
DTED is a uniform matrix of terrain elevation values. It provides basic quantitative data for all military systems that require terrain elevation, slope, and gross surface roughness information. |
DTED Level 1 |
DTED Level 2 |
SRT1F/SRT2F is the finished production set of data where most of the voids have been filled. ALL SRTM DTED elevations are with respect to the reflective surface. |
NGA Hillshade 2D |
Worldwide basemaps depicting shaded relief derived from NGA's 1 kilometer and 90 meter TERRAFORM DTED, 30 meter TERRAFORM DTED2, NASA and METI's 30 meter ASTER GDEM v2 (used where TERRAFORM data is not available), USGS' 10 meter National Elevation Dataset (NED), NGA's Digital Bathymetric Elevation Dataset (DBED, 1 Kilometer), and NOAA's 90 meter coastal bathymetry (U.S. Coastal Relief Model). |
NGA Shaded Relief |
Tinted Hillshade |
Allows visualization via the IC Portal or ArcGIS desktop (download). After selecting the link below, additional viewing options may be available by following the link under the "Map Contents" heading.
Geodetic Survey Database (GSD)
Visualize control point data and download survey publications. |
Geodetic Survey App (GeoSAPP)
Provides capability to access and extract Geodetic Survey data into customer specified format. It is designed to efficiently increase the calculations and procedures involved with processing runway profile data for airfield surveys. There are several other functions this program performs such as calculating the horizontal and vertical position of abeam points on airfield runways, determining the position of the touchdown zone on a surveyed runway, providing various other survey computation tools and providing a metadata builder for terrestrial lidar collections. |
Arctic Gravity Project (2.4MB)
Zip archive containing Arctic Gravity Project data and documentation. |
TDX-Hydro Technical Document | ||||
TDX-Hydro Data License | ||||
Basin GeoJSON File with ID Numbers | ||||
South America
North America
Arctic of North America
GPS Week and Day (WWWWD): 23543
To download the ephemeris and EOPP data, select the data type from the drop-down box below and then select the date or date range. View Earth-Info REST API documentation in Open API format, or download Earth-Info REST API.
NGA Public Affairs
Phone: 571-557-5400
Office of Geomatics
Phone: 314-676-9162
Last modified: 12-Jul-24